Friday, September 23, 2011

What I Have Been Up to With My Guitar

Well, it does seem like a while since I have last posted on my blog. Since then I have received another guitar. It is not a classical. The guitar which I received is an acoustic guitar. I really enjoy it but I must say there is nothing like playing a classical guitar. I have now gotten back into my horse riding as well. Sometimes I stay later after my lesson so that I can play my guitar while my teacher is training some horses. Now, on to what I have been doing with my classical guitar. Since my last post I have learned some new techniques and also have begun my new Christopher Parkening book which continues where the first book left off. My teacher has encouraged me to slow down a bit in learning other things besides classical guitar. Since the beginning of May I began to learn Bach's Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring. I am on the second page of the seven-page song. It such a pretty song. It should take me a few years to perfect the song. During that time I plan on working on basic pieces that should only take about a month to polish. To begin that one-piece-a-month journey I have started a Bach  Minuet. I am glad to be back  here posting and hope that I will have more to write on my progress with my classical guitar.

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